DCA Direct Programs FAQs

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My school provides students with a Chromebook. Will that work for DCADirect classes?

No, our curriculum platform works best with a PC laptop. We can provide each DCADirect student with a laptop while taking DCADirect classes at no charge to the district or student/family.

How many courses can a student take at a time?

Students may take up to two courses at a time. Under extenuating circumstances, through DCADirect, we can consider additional courses.

When do classes begin and end?

Here are the semester dates for the 2024-2025 school year:

Semester 1 – September 3, 2024 – January 21, 2025

Semester 2 – January 22, 2025- June 4, 2025

Are students required to participate in synchronous classes?

No. However, each class does have one to two Class Connect sessions or synchronous classes each week. If students can participate in real-time, that is ideal; however, students can watch the recorded class any time during the week to assist in completing their homework.

Are there prerequisites to taking DCADirect coursework?

In most circumstances, no. However, please review the course description guide for individual course prerequisites.

Are there other options for taking the Operating Engineers Pre-Apprenticeship coursework through DCADirect?

No, Destinations Career Academy is the only approved provider of these courses for youth.

Can a student in a private school participate in DCADirect courses?

Who pays for the courses?

Are any courses available for Wisconsin Technical Incentive Grants?

What is the difference between Pre-Apprenticeship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Apprenticeship?


Certified Pre-Apprenticeship is an opportunity to help job seekers gain the necessary skills for Registered Apprenticeship while still in high school.  This opportunity may include work experience, but it is not required to meet the requirements of a Pre-Apprenticeship Certification.

Destinations Career Academy’s (DCA) Construction Pathway Pre-Apprenticeship is aligned with the Operating Engineer’s Registered Apprenticeship and can count as the required coursework for those students participating in a Youth Apprenticeship.

Youth Apprenticeship

Youth Apprenticeship (YA) integrates school-based and work-based learning to instruct students in employability and occupational skills.  It is open to juniors and seniors in high school and provides paid on-the-job work experience coupled with related coursework. Students are employed by a participating employer and are under the supervision of a skilled mentor.   Students need to be simultaneously enrolled in academic classes (such as DCA’s Operating Engineers curriculum) to meet the requirements of the state’s Youth Apprenticeship program.


An apprenticeship is an “earn while you learn” program providing on-the-job training and related instruction to adults (after high school graduation). The employer teaches the skills of the occupation. An area technical college or private training center teaches the theoretical knowledge pertaining to the specific occupation.

Operating Engineer Apprenticeship

Apprentices work on the job with journeypersons or skilled workers. Each apprentice must work 6000 hours (approximately four years), and is paid a percentage of journey level wages.

Apprentices are required to attend 400 hours of related training at the Wisconsin Operating Engineers Training Site in Coloma and all apprenticeship classes are accredited through Fox Valley Technical College.

How do I return my laptop when I have completed my classes?

In the delivery box, there should have been a return address label. If that was lost, follow these simple instructions