Pathway Classes
Are you a 9th–12th grader looking to get a jump-start on your future? With Destinations Career Academy's part-time CTE program, you can use your high school years to figure out where you want to go and how to get there. Explore your options, find your passion, and take career-focused classes in the high-demand field of your choice—all while earning your high school diploma. Discovering what you want to do now can prepare you to dive into a career right out of high school or help you make the right decision about your college major.

Career Fields
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Grow Your Career Options
Agriculture and food science have moved a long way from the old family farm. From vertical hydroponics to urban agriculture, you’d be surprised at the diverse opportunities in these industries. Discover your options today! Click here to review Destination’s Agriculture & Natural Resources pathway courses. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- Vet Science
- Wildlife Management
- Green Design & Technology
- Food Technology

Business Management & Administration
Get Ahead of the Curve
Everyone is looking for ways to ensure they stand out in a crowd of applicants. Get a leg up on the competition by exploring your business options now. Click here to review Destination’s Business Management & Administration pathway core courses. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- Accounting
- Social Media Marketing (Dual Credit with Madison College)
- Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Dual Credit with Madison College)
- Consumer Behavior

Construction & Engineering
Build a Bright Future
A wide range of in-demand occupations lie in the construction field, including professions focused on engineering, science, technology, and mathematics (STEM). Prepare to enter this high-tech world straight out of high school. Click here to review Destination’s Construction pathway core courses. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- Basic Construction Equipment Fundamentals*
- Basic Grade and Construction Math*
- Basic Maintenance of Mobile Equipment*
- Green Design & Technology
- CDL Prep
*Required for Operating Engineers Pre-Apprenticeship Program

Health Sciences
Make a Difference
What if high school was all you needed to get started on your dream job? Many healthcare careers don’t require a college degree. You can begin making a difference sooner than you thought! Destinations offers many avenues to pursuing your Health Science related career! Click here to explore your Health Science pathway core course options at Destinations. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- Medical Terminology
- Intro to Biotechnology
- Pharmacy Technician Certification Course
- Sports Medicine

Information Technology (IT)
The Future Is Now
Technology skills are in demand—and no longer confined to a single industry. Are you ready to explore all the places IT skills can take you? Click here to learn more about the course offerings in the Information Technology area Destinations has to offer. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- AP Computer Science A
- JavaScript/Gamification
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Photography

Law & Criminal Justice
Set the Bar High
Do you dream of making the world a safer, or a more just place? If so, a career in law and criminal justice could be just what you’re looking for. Destinations offers a variety of courses to help get you started. Click here to review those options. Here are just a few that may be of interest:
- Sociology
- Forensic Science
- Criminology
- AP Government & Politics